General Contractor and Developer
The EXPIRE Act of 2014 is a bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend certain expiring provisions, including the 9% credit rate freeze for the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTC).
LIHTC provides a tax credit over a period of ten years after a housing facility occupied by low-income tenants is placed-in-service. In 2008, Congress adjusted the formula and set a minimum credit amount of 9%, based on the original credit rate of the program. The provision was to expire at the end of 2013, but was extended for housing credit dollars allocated before January 2014.
In April, the Senate Finance Committee led the effort to extend once again, this time until 2016, approving the “tax extenders” by bipartisan vote. Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore., stated, “It makes no sense to let these incentives disappear without a comprehensive reform proposal to replace them when jobs, innovation and research, and people’s homes are on the line.”
In May, the Senate voted to advance the bill, but now it moves to the House. EXPIRE still has a long way to go, but for those of us committed to the affordable housing effort, it represents good news from the Hill!
Silver State Housing (SSH), our non-profit partner, recently applied and was the successful recipient of a grant award from Toyota Financial Savings Bank’s affiliate, Toyota Philanthropy. The award was approved by the bank’s charitable contributions committee.
As an extremely successful organization, Toyota adheres to the principles of respect for people and continuous improvement. To that end, the company has expanded their business empire to include helping the daily lives of communities in need.
The award supports Silver State Housing’s Affordable Transportation Program, that offers assistance for low-income seniors who have no means of transportation, vehicle or paratransit option.
SSH Executive Director Lori Muehlhausen, states, “This award represents a third successful application for the Toyota grant that makes a world of difference for the residents at our apartment communities.”
With each year of applying, Silver State Housing has been awarded an increased amount which allows for a wider range of services.
At Whispering Palms
On the calendar for Spring, a March Popcorn/Movie night, as well as a Puzzle Party and Board Games Tuesday Social. Food deliveries continue every Friday, and a St. Patrick’s Day pot luck luncheon was held.
At McKnight Senior Village
Residents loved the Valentine’s Day Potluck, everyone bringing their favorite specialties to share. The Words on Wheels is on the calendar, a wonderful program offered though the Clark County Public Library, featuring the delivery of books, periodicals, DVD’s, and audio CD’s to the property. Also, McKnight offers Department Store on Wheels, a mobile store that features new discounted clothing and accessories for sale, delivered to your door.
At Santa Barbara Palms
Residents are enjoying line dancing every Thursday evening from 7-9pm, a fun social and fitness opportunity. Also, on the calendar is a men’s fitness class every Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights, and for the ladies, the Red Hat Club meets every Saturday afternoon.
At Sonoma Palms
As well as monthly health screenings, Sonoma is offering twice-monthly haircuts, and visits from a beautician, helping residents look and feel their best.
Also twice-weekly, Bid Whiz, a form of whist card game is offered in the evening for those who wish to participate.
And for the good of the soul, a weekly faith group meets on Tuesday mornings.
At Sunrise Senior Village
With Spring’s arrival, Silver State Housing coordinated a St. Patrick’s Day potluck luncheon, enjoyed by all in attendance. March Babies was celebrated mid-month with cake for all residents born in March. This is fast becoming a tradition each month, and a chance to meet new neighbors and mingle with old friends.
Of course, weekly food deliveries continue, as well as the Silver Star Bus for outings and appointments. Pokeno is on the calendar twice monthly, and residents are enjoying the Card Players once a month.
Free cell phones have been distributed to qualifying residents at all the properties, as well as SNAP benefits. SNAP is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program administered through the State that increases food purchasing power for those in need. Also, all the properties continue to have their resident meetings each month, an essential way to be proactive where problems are concerned, and where residents help to shape their community. We encourage their participation in making the properties their home!
The Year of the Vet in Nevada
On January 6, 2014, Governor Brian Sandoval signed a proclamation declaring 2014 as the Year of the Veteran in Nevada.
Historically, in 1864, President Lincoln, in his second inaugural address affirmed the nation’s commitment to serving its veterans and their families. This took place just months after Nevada became a state, and the “Battle-Born” State, as it is known, has continued to do its part ever since.
Home to Nellis Air Force Base, Naval Air Station Fallon, Hawthorne Army Depot and Creech Air Force Base, the military has been well represented in the Silver State.
Issues of tremendous concern are making their way to the forefront where veterans are concerned. The baby-boom generation of vets is experiencing health and economic issues as they join the ranks of the aging population.
And, vets returning from multiple deployments in today’s conflicts are dealing with financial and emotional issues as well as physical disabilities.
Statistics show an alarming percentage of homeless vets in the nation, and Nevada too has its share, especially concentrated in the south of the state. This is an issue that is beginning to be addressed. These vets need not only housing but intensive health services to be able to transition to civilian daily life.
Meanwhile, we are helping to do our part to assist the general veteran population over 55 with lower incomes, offering them not only a place to live with state of the art comforts, but supportive services that are tailored to seniors’ health, nutritional, employment and financial issues.
Through our non-profit partner, Silver State Housing, these services are put on each property’s monthly calendar. We also help seniors on a one-on-one basis, our service coordinator helping with referrals to agencies that specialize in services for veterans, including VASH (Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing), and VetSuccess, a program that helps connect the disabled to prepare for, find and keep suitable employments, with on-the-job training and counseling.