Desert Oasis was built in 1997 by George Gekakis, Inc, a development of 75 units of senior housing in Las Vegas, funded with HUD 202 funds.

In 2018, Volunteers of America (VOA) approached George Gekakis to assist in the building of a new phase of 43 units on the original site. The project received an allocation of tax credits, as well as HOME Funds from the City of Las Vegas and from Clark County Nevada, as well as the approval from HUD to go ahead with the release of property within the original site (approximately 1.35 acres) to begin the second phase of this successful senior housing development.
Similar in design to the original building, there will be 43 new units in a two-story building, designed by the original project architect, SBG Architects. The development will include a recreation area with a fitness room, media/library, business office, laundry room, computer room, health room, and supportive services. Residents will also be able to enjoy the amenities of the original development.
With the lack of affordable housing is so critical across the Nation, these units will be a great addition to the already established locations, with services within walking distance. Directly across the street, there is a shopping center with grocery shopping, retail, medical, banking, and public transportation. A house of worship is directly adjacent to the site, as well as a public bike/walking path. The site is in a mature, well-developed area that ensures that both minority and non-minority elderly will be comfortable in the neighborhood and be able to age in place.
Construction is scheduled to begin approximately Summer 2021.